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Adding Custom Formatting to Numeric Fields

Custom formatting gives you greater control over how numeric data appears in a Analytics result set. With custom formatting, you can apply Excel-style formatting options to numeric data shown in visualizations, or produced by custom fields or table calculations.

Using Custom Formatting in Visualizations

To use custom formatting with numeric data in a visualization:

  1. Click on the visualization’s gear menu.
  2. Select the Values tab.
  3. In the Value Format field, enter the custom formatting string.

Using Custom Formatting with Table Calculations and Custom Fields

When creating or editing a table calculation or custom field, select Customin the formatting drop-down and enter the custom format in the field below:

Custom Formatting Examples

Some of the most common formatting options are shown below. A format code using 0 requires that non-significant zeros be displayed if the number contains fewer digits than specified in the code. A format code using # only displays significant digits, even if there are fewer digits than specified in the code.

Some special characters, such as international currency symbols, must be treated as strings and enclosed in double quotes.

0Integer (123)
00#Integer zero-padded to 3 places (001)
0 "String"Integer followed by a string (123 String)
("String" can be replaced with any text string)
0.##Number up to 2 decimals (1. or 1.2 or 1.23)
0.00Number with exactly 2 decimals (1.23)
00#.00Number zero-padded to 3 places and exactly 2 decimals (001.23)
#,##0Number with comma between thousands (1,234)
#,##0.00Number with comma between thousands and 2 decimals (1,234.00)
0.000,, "M"Number in millions with 3 decimals (1.234 M)
Division by 1 million happens automatically
0.000, "K"Number in thousands with 3 decimals (1.234 K)
Division by 1 thousand happens automatically
$0Dollars with 0 decimals ($123)
$0.00Dollars with 2 decimals ($123.00)
\"€\"0Euros with 0 decimals (€123)
$#,##0.00Dollars with comma between thousands and 2 decimals ($1,234.00)
$#.00;($#.00)Dollars with 2 decimals, positive values displayed normally, negative values wrapped in parenthesis
0\%Display as percent with 0 decimals (1 becomes 1%)
0.00\%Display as percent with 2 decimals (1 becomes 1.00%)
0%Convert to percent with 0 decimals (.01 becomes 1%)
0.00%Convert to percent with 2 decimals (.01 becomes 1.00%)

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