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Maps - Map Regions Chart

Map Regions Chart Options

This page describes the options for editing map regions charts in the visualization menu. This menu can be accessed by clicking the gear in the upper right corner of the visualization tab.

Map Regions charts are useful for plotting data regionally. To plot individual points, use Map Points or Interactive Maps.

Map Region charts plot a single dimension and a single measure:

  • If you are using the World map, or a custom map based on countries, you’ll need to use the dimensions: CUSTOMER Address Country or CUSTOMER Address Country ISO2
  • If you are using a custom map based on European regions, you’ll need to use the dimensions: CUSTOMER Address Region Name

Style Menu Options


Colors defines the colors that will be used to indicate the magnitude of each map region.

This parameter takes a comma-separated list of one or more color values. The color values can be formatted as RGB hex strings, such as #2ca6cd, or as CSS named color strings, such as mediumblue.

If you like, you can define every valid color that Analytics is allowed to use to indicate magnitude. To do so, make sure you set Quantize Colors to ON. You can also allow Analytics to interpolate shades of colors between those that you define. For this behavior, make sure you set Quantize Colors to OFF.

Quantize Colors

Quantize Colors determines whether or not the colors of a map regions chart will be shaded according to the magnitude of each region (OFF), or if only the specific colors you specify in Colors will be used (ON).

Empty Region Color

Empty Region Color sets the color of any region on the chart which does not show up in the underlying data.

This parameter takes a single color value. The color value can be formatted as a RGB hex string, such as #2ca6cd, or as a CSS named color string, such as mediumblue.

Outer Border Color

Outer Border Color sets the color of the overall map border.

This parameter takes a single color value. The color value can be formatted as a RGB hex string, such as #2ca6cd, or as a CSS named color string, such as mediumblue.

Inner Border Color

Inner Border Color sets the border color of each map region.

This parameter takes a single color value. The color value can be formatted as a RGB hex string, such as #2ca6cd, or as a CSS named color string, such as mediumblue.

Outer Border Width

Outer Border Width sets the width of the overall map border, specified as a number of pixels.

Inner Border Width

Inner Border Width sets the border width of each map region, specified as a number of pixels.

Show Full Field Name in Tooltips

Show Full Field Name in Tooltips toggles whether to show the view name along with the field name when you hover over a map region.

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